English portfolio

Cruz roja Española

cruz roja Española the country is Spain. The objective of Cruz roja Española is helps people in situations of crisis. The projects is every continent

My saturday routine.

I don't go to school.
I play football.
I don't go to the park on weekdays.
I go to the park at the weekend.
I don't eat rice on weekdays.
I eat rice at the weekend.

My weekend

I usually wash cars at the weekend.
I never interview people at the weekend.
I often tidy room at the weekend.
I always train at the gym at the weekend.
I sometimes listen to the radio at the weekend.
I neverwork in an office at the weekend.
I always play football at the weekend.
I neverplay basketball at the weekend.

My name is Kalle, I'm thirteen years old.
im from Finlandia.
I've got brown eyes and brown hair.
My favorite colour is bllue.
My favorite sport is football.
I play football.
 My favorite shcool subject is Phisical education.
My favorite festival is the festival of Helsinki.

My favourite Game Show

The name of the game show is LA VOZ.

The presenter's name is Jesus Vazquez.
He's got black hoair and brown eyes.
The contestants are singers.
They have got a good voice.
I usually watch this TV shows Wednesday.
I like it because they sing very well.

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